2022 Nominations for Association Roles and other items for 2021 AGM
Published Wed 15 Sep 2021
1. Nominations for Executive, Convenor, Representative Team Coaches, Managers and Umpires and other roles for the Association
Executive: President; Vice President (Senior); Vice President (junior); Honorary Treasurer; Honorary Secretary
Three (3) Competition Convenors: Junior, Senior Women and Senior Men's Convenor
Three (3) Umpire Convenors: Juniors, Senior Women and Senior Men
Mens Masters Convenor; Womens Masters Convenor; Archives Convenor; Child Protection Convenor; Coaching Convenor; Constitution Convenor; Equipment and Facilities Convenor; Indoor Convenor; Judiciary Convenor; Communications Convenor; Publicity Convenor; Sponsorship Convenor; Representative Teams Convenor; Selections Convenor (plus (7) Selectors); Junior Development Officer
Turf Committee: Chairperson and four (4) other committee members
Rep Team Coaches and Rep Teams Managers
U11s both Boys and Girls; U13 Boys; U13 Girls; U15 Boys; U15 Girls; U18 Boys; U18 Girls; Open Men's 1; Open Men's 2; Open Women's 1; Open Womens 2; Masters - Mens; Masters - Women Team 1; Masters - Women Team 2; Masters - Women Team 3; Masters - Women Team 4
Rep Team Umpires (Under 18 Boys, U18 Girls and the Open Men and Women Championships the Umpires are from a HNSW Panel)
U11 Boys and U11 Girls; U13 Boys; U13 Girls; U15 Boys; U15 Girls; ; Masters - Mens; Masters - Women (one per team)
Nominations will be voted on at the 2021 Annual General Meeting for the Nepean Hockey Association to be held on 29th November 2021 (date and venue to be advised)
For our Association to grow in the Nepean area, we really need people to volunteer to take on positions in our Association.
If you or any of your club members are interested in nominating for any position in the Nepean Hockey Association, please complete the attached nomination form
NOTE: once you have opened the document you must download in Excel for the 'dropdown' options to work.
Please print it out so it can be signed and either scan and email it back to or send the completed form to PO Box 563, Kingswood NSW 2747.
Some points to note:
- Forms MUST be signed by a Proposer, Seconder and the Nominee. Forms received without these three signatures will not be accepted and will be disregarded.
- Nominees, Proposers & Seconders MUST be current financial members of the Association.
- Nominations NOT received by the due date / time will be disregarded.
After the closure date, a list of all nominees and positions will be collated and sent to all Club Delegates, Executive Members, Convenors and Life Members by the end of October 2019 (as required by the Constitution) in preparation for the NHA AGM.
2. Life Membership or Service Awards for the Association
In line with the Nepean Hockey Association Constitution and By-Laws any nominations for Life Membership or Service Awards for the Association must also be submitted to The Association Secretary by Thursday 30 September 2021 23:59.
The nomination must include:
- Details of criteria upon which the Award is sought,
- Signatures of nominator and seconder, who must be financial members of The Association,
- Class of Service Award sought.
- Annual Report of the Association
All Convenors and Clubs submit an to the Secretary a report to be included in the Annual Report of the Association by Thursday 30 September 2021 23:59
- Motions on Notice for the Annual General Meeting
Motions on Notice, for the Annual General Meeting are to be received by the Secretary by Thursday 30 September 2021 23:59. Then twenty-one (21) days prior to the AGM such Motions are to be forwarded to all voting members and Secretaries of Affiliated Clubs.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me or any NHA Executive Member.
Best regards,
Ian J Kennedy | Secretary