
Exciting news for Nepean Hockey and the future of our fields!

Published Thu 12 Apr 2018

Hi Everyone,

As you know, the Sand Field has been decommissioned for all sport usage since 31 Dec 2017, and the NHA Executive and Turf Committee have been busy working with Hockey NSW, NSW State Government and Western Sydney University to secure funding to have this field upgraded to a Water Field.

It give me great pleasure to inform you that we have now secured sufficient funding to commence the Sand Field replacement! This is a momentous occasion!! We commenced work on this investment proposal in early 2016, and while it has taken over 2 years, we have persevered and have been successful!

I'd like to thank all those in the NHA who have helped get the Association to get to this point - having a new water based field to add to our recently refurbished Hybrid field will give the Association 2 wonderful fields to continue to build the sport in Western Sydney. Our thanks and gratitude to Hockey NSW, NSW State Government and Western Sydney University for all their help, guidance and support over the past couple of years.

We are currently reviewing quotations from reputable vendors and hope to be in a position shortly to sign the contract and get work started. We are hopeful that the new turf will come online before our end of winter season. We also have won a grant to install a new scoreboard for the new Water Field, which will be installed before end June 2018 - so it's all systems go!!!

If you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to let me know.


Kind regards
Kieran Knowles (President)

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